Well this has been a week! I took Friday off to get the oil in my car changed, get the safety inspection, and get the car license renewed. When the techs tried to star my car after the oil change it wouldn't start. Now it's in the shop and they can get it started but, they can't keep it running. I had all sorts of plans for Friday and this week, too. ;_; This is going to be expensive, too, I bet. ;;;_;;;
So, since I was stuck at home for an extended weekend I got a bit of crafting done. I saw in the current issue of Somerset Studio magazine an article about spool ornaments by Linda Trenholm and it inspired me to make my own. I have a bunch of old wooden spools that my mom gave me. They are all the smaller size that will be perfect to make into ornaments. Here is the result of my first attempt:
And a little closer look:
I have three more painted and ready to embellish but, realized after I painted them that I didn't have any ribbon to match. (Yay, shopping for ribbon!!)
I also had seen somewhere (I can't remember exactly where) the spring-type clothespins decorated with Washi tape. As I have a huge collection of Washi tape and rarely use it I thought this would be a cute idea, too. I also have all of Mom's old clothespins to use! I'm pretty pleased with the results.
These are the ones with the Washi tape. I added a bit of bling, too!
And these are just painted with acrylics after sanding. Then I added the roses and the bling. You could put magnets on the backs so they hang on the refrigerator or, thumbtacks and hang them on a bulletin board. I started a couple of other projects, too, but ran into roadblocks. Hopefully I'll have a bit more done next week. I'm really getting some great Shabby Chic inspiration from Pinterest lately. If you're interested you can follow me there, too.
I have one more photo to share this week. This is an outfit that I decided could be a bit Mori inspired. I tend to only wear Mori-style tops. The skirts and dresses commonly worn in Mori aren't very practical for where I work so, I usually pair my tops with jeans or khakis. I have found some jeans in Mori colors, though. I have a pair in taupe and a pair in a fern green. There's also a pair in brown but, I haven't bought them yet.
Outfit rundown: button-down shirt-JC Penney (St. John's Bay brand)
Tshirt- thrifted (Cherokee brand)
Jeans-Kmart (Lee brand)
The button-down shirt has pin tucks and lacing down the front so it has a lot of detail to it that doesn't show up in the picture. It's also very light weight so I have to wear something under it. The t-shirt has little pink flowers all over it.
Well, I guess that's about it for this week. I hope I get my car back soon!
Have a great week!!