Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Faerie Garden...Finally

I finally got my Faerie Garden planted!!  It turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself! :)
I used some terrarium plants such as ferns and baby's tears.  And a 4 pack of Creeping Jenny.

There is a bit of Corsican Mint and some pearlwort (sometimes called Irish Moss), too.  They don't like the hot weather, but since this is in full shade I'm hoping they'll do OK.

I used some pieces of flat sea-glass for a path.  I had an orphan saucer that I'd kept simply because the color was gorgeous, and it makes a fabulous pool with another piece of sea-glass and some Dragon's tears (sorry, the flat-backed marbles will always  be Dragon's Tears to me because that's how I was introduced to them at the Renaissance Festival many years ago.)

A miniature hosta 'Moonglow' finishes off the garden.  I hope the faeries like it!