Sunday, November 4, 2012

New Windows

I had to have the windows in my studio replaced this fall.  They were rotting from the outside.  When they were removed we found termite damage in the outer wall under both windows, so that had to be replaced, too.  All said I was out of my studio for a little over a week.  Can you say withdrawal??  If I'm not in front of the computer, I'm usually in the studio.  Oh well, it gave me the little push I needed to finish making the curtains and get the blind hung on the east window.  I've had several people asking me for pictures, so here they are. 

This is my work area.  It's actually pretty neat and tidy right now.  I still haven't gotten everything moved back in.

This is the storage corner.  The shelving is build-in, but I've never painted it.  It's stuffed full as you can see.

This shows one of my big south windows.  I usually have a plant stand full of plants in front of it, but that still hasn't been moved back either.  I'd like to move the TV to the living room so I can have more storage space, but I can't find a stand that I like.

This is the other south window, and the closet.  Those paired windows let in a lot of light, so my studio feels so inviting.  They look out onto my rose garden.

This is a straight on shot of my main work area.  It's under an east facing window, so I wanted a blind under the curtain to filter some of the bright light while I work.  Notice the lack of piles on the floor and around!

So, that's where I work!  I'd love to paint the paneling someday (the ceiling, too).  It has a laminate floor that I loooooooove!  It's so smooth and easy to take care of.

I woke up this morning at a ridiculous hour and couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up and did a little work in Photoshop.  I had been meaning to make a watermark for my pictures. I have a friend who has been after me to put some of my stuff on Pinterest.  I haven't done so because I wanted to be able to label my work and photos as mine.  As you can tell from these photos, I got it done this morning.  I hope it's not too distracting.

I need to get back in the studio and work on my Christmas ornaments for the swap I signed up for, so I'll have more to say later.

Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Faerie Garden...Finally

I finally got my Faerie Garden planted!!  It turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself! :)
I used some terrarium plants such as ferns and baby's tears.  And a 4 pack of Creeping Jenny.

There is a bit of Corsican Mint and some pearlwort (sometimes called Irish Moss), too.  They don't like the hot weather, but since this is in full shade I'm hoping they'll do OK.

I used some pieces of flat sea-glass for a path.  I had an orphan saucer that I'd kept simply because the color was gorgeous, and it makes a fabulous pool with another piece of sea-glass and some Dragon's tears (sorry, the flat-backed marbles will always  be Dragon's Tears to me because that's how I was introduced to them at the Renaissance Festival many years ago.)

A miniature hosta 'Moonglow' finishes off the garden.  I hope the faeries like it!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

End of the Weekend

Well, we weathered the severe weather just fine here. It all went north and south of us. It started out very dreary this morning, but things cleared off this afternoon. The wind is still blowing pretty hard, tho.

I started out this morning with the intention of cleaning house. I didn't get very far when the vacuum died. (Yay!!) So, an hour and a half and a hundred dollars later I have a new vacuum to be delivered at the end of the week. All this meant that I'd have to find something else to do today. (Darn!)

I ended up in my studio (surprise, surprise) and finished up a card that I had been working on. I found a tutorial on Pinterest, so I thought I'd give it a try. This is the second card I made and I tweaked the measurements on this one. This is the front.

This is with the front folded down.

And this is with the front folded up.

It took quite a lot of paper, but I think I turned out really good! It would make a great Mother's Day card.

Other than that I have not gotten much accomplished today. Oh, I did get a little bit done outside this evening. I thinned my lettuce and got enough for a little salad. My first harvest! Looks yummy!!

Well, tomorrow I'll be headed back to work. Vacation's over, but it sure was fun!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Its very rainy today which is good for the roses that we transplanted yesterday. I guess I won't be working outside today. Yay!! Its a studio day!!! Time to work on some of my art projects!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Well, today's weather is a far cry from the weather the last time I posted! It's very chilly and overcast today with enough wind to really make you wish you'd put on a jacket. In short, it's a perfect day to transplant roses. So, we did! The tea rose Mr. Lincoln and the David Austin rose Evelyn both have new homes now. I hope they do well. We have one more rose to transplant, but I'm not sure where it's going to go yet.

After tying climbing rose Zepherin Drouhin back up on the gate my poor fingers were soooo cold that I had to come inside and warm up with a cup of hot cocoa. Luckily I have a good supply of cocoa left from this winter since it was hardly ever cold enough to need it. Who'd have thought I would need it in April?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Good morning everyone! It is such a beautiful morning here! The sun is shining and the birds are singing. I hope you all had a lovely Easter day. Sunday was just as lovely as today. My garden gave me a lovely Easter present this year. Abraham Darby is now in bloom.

Now I've heard of Easter lilies, but Easter roses??! Ah well, this will give mean extra two full months (almost) of roses this year.

The birds are all building nests or sitting on their eggs now. Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal have built their nest in the Weigela bush outside my kitchen windows. She started sitting yesterday, so I'll have to keep an eye on her to make sure the cat doesn't bother her.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just a note

I didn't realise it had been this long since I had posted anything.  Time sure does fly when you're having fun (and it seems to go even faster when you're not)!  I hope to get a full post out sometime this week.  I have some beautiful photos of my woodland yard to share as well as some art projects that I finally finished.  Anyway the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming (a month early in most cases) and all's right with the world.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Finally! A new update!

I really need to get it in gear here!! I can't believe its been over 6 months since my last post! No wonder I don't have any followers! Sheesh!!!

Well, a brief little bit to catch anyone up who's reading this:

I haven't been up to much. This summer was not a very good one for growing things. It was way too hot and dry, although the roses did OK. I was late getting the tomatoes set out so they were really late in setting on, but when they did they did it in a BIG way! This winter has been really mild, but very dry. We did get quite a bit of rain yesterday which was very welcome. It's supposed to snow tonight, but I'll believe it when I see it. We have only had 2 dustings of snow this winter which is very unusual.

I have been participating the the swaps on the Paper Whimsy forum. The latest one is for Valentine's Day.

I'll try to do a better job of updating my blog this year. But, I won't hold my breath!